Wednesday 24 July 2013

KL - Sempoi Selalu

The meaning of the blog title 'Sempoi Selalu' being an increasing popular Malay catchword among the younger generation. It is a common misnomer even among the Malays who wrongly associate the origin of the word ‘sempoi’ from English adjective of ‘simple’; as the actual meaning of it is totally different to being ‘easy’, ‘plain’ or ‘uncomplicated’.
Some examples of wrong usage to the meaning of the word in Malay spoken conversations by the youngsters :-
Sempoi giler ko nak pegi kenduri.... pakai la smart-smart sikit..!

‘You are (dressed) crazily simple for thanksgiving function, wear (something) smart a little bit!’

Macam haram buat kerja, sempoi giler!

 ‘Damn bastard doing the work overly simplified!

Don’t bother to check your Malay or Indonesian dictionary on this fascinating lingo originating from the cultural laid-back, melting-pot lifestyle of Penang Malays. The birthplace of the cultural Boria stage singing performance - a form of Malay theatre of Indian origin which has through adaptive processes, becomes the one and only theatre of Malay community in Penang.

A typical Boria troupe consists of a leader, a chorus team in identical costumes, comedians and musicians alike. The performance normally begins with a short comic sketch, followed by a song-dance routine featuring a juxtaposition of choral and solo parts in rhythms of course. Totally opposite in all aspects to the African-American successful hip hop rap music!

Dressing of the performing troupe and the stage as well as the comic actors will be said to the act of ‘pakai sempoi-sempoi’ – an overall expression of achieving the best – in performing the show, attractive glittering costumes and delightful entertainment overall. It is the act of sophistication, awesome, fantastic and astonishing all roles into one!
Most commonly used by the youngsters with the adverb of ‘giler’ (gila) or ‘crazily’ after the word ‘sempoi’ in the following example.

Kat Seberang Perai pun apa kurangnya pi pekena char koey teow Sungai Dua teloq ayam berbasuh. Perghhhhh.... sempoi giler!’

‘What’s the difference in Seberang Prai, with the taste of Sungai Dua fried char-kwey-teow . Perghhhhh…. Crazily awesome!’

 'Sempoi' also means another way of describing the highest order of standard in taste - be in in food, fashion or even in daily lifestyle. Another example of the usage :-

Aku memang original mat Penang. Tok moyang aku beranak di pulau ni. Sebenarnya ada banyak lagi tempat makan yang sempoi-sempoi di sini.’

‘I am a true Penang man. My ancestors were born on this island. Frankly there are plenty more of fantastic eating places here.’
In summation, 'sempoi' translates into multi-facets of excellence that you may fancy. And the city of KL certainly reflects that in many ways.

Sempoi-sempoi – Top notch.

Sempoi giler! – Crazily awesome!

Sempoi selalu – Always the best/sophisticated/excellent.


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